Bella Poarch
Bella Poarch born in Philippines the 9th of February 1997 in Philippines. Her birth parents were Filipino parents. Her grandmother had lived in the streets up to her three year age, when she was placed to a foster home. Both of her adoptive parents are native Filipinos. Her white American adoptive dad has an army background. The woman claimed that she and her brother who was adopted had been abused since when she was just a kid, up until the point that she joined up. Her family lived with her Uncle living in San Francisco for several months before returning to Texas to celebrate her 13th birthday due to the necessity of her father's bypass surgery. Though the physical violence stopped however, she claimed to have still suffered psychological abuse from her father at her home. Poarch enlisted in the United States Navy when she reached the age of 18. Poarch started her TikTok profile in April of 2020. In just eight months, she had more that forty million users. Poarch uploaded a variety of videos however the one that was most popular was for Millie B's viral smash Soph Aspin Send. The clip, which was zoomed in, of her rhythmically lip-syncing the melody and jumping in sync with it, was a viral video that has since become TikTok's most popular video. Poarch launched her YouTube and Twitter accounts during the time after signing up to TikTok to take advantage of the growing popularity. Her popularity grew rapidly until the December month in 2020. According to reports, she was the target of two major professional Esports groups. 100 Thieves and FaZe Clan expressed interest in employing her as a creator of content under the respective brands.

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